Friday, November 20, 2015

Heart Tracks - The Timekeeper

 "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son." Galatians 4:4....."His (Jesus) peaceful pace seems to imply that He measured Himself not by where He was going and how fast He could get there but by Whom He was following and how closely they walked together....deeply contented in the Company."
Alicia Britt Chole

"How long O Lord?" This is the cry from millions of hearts. Likely from our heart as well, and often. We spend so much of our life energy setting, focusing on, and striving to reach goals, accomplish agendas, and bring to pass the deep desires of our hearts, but all we have in the end is exhaustion. And more often than not, disappointment and frustration as well. We do seek Him in it all, but mostly as a means of reaching our desired end. He said He'd give us the desires of our hearts, and we mean to hold Him to His word. Even if we do get what we want, we miss what we truly need, Him. We can do this in every facet of life, and may well be most guilty of it in the area of ministry. We have good ends that we want to reach, and we're in a very great hurry to reach them. Jesus said that He "must be about the Father's business." Well, so are we. The problem is, we don't understand what His business is really all about. We have allowed working for Him to take the place of knowing and loving Him. We can have lives dedicated to Him, but I'm not so sure the same can be said of our hearts. This may be best seen when we're forced to deal with the delays that can come along in getting to the place we want to be. Achieving the end that we've been aiming for. Jesus didn't live this way. We ask what would Jesus do? Will we ask as to how Jesus really walked....thought.....lived?

Jesus spent 30 years in obscurity. In that time He had an ever growing picture of what He had been sent for, particularly by the age of 12. Yet He didn't deal with the delay with impatience or frustration. He knew what He was here for, but He was at total rest as to how and when the Father would bring it all about. Chole speaks beautiful words as to how He walked in this time. He did not just have His eyes on where He was going. He had His eyes on the One He was going with. He had zeal, but that zeal was first and foremost in His walk with and in the Father. All the energy of His ministry flowed out of that relationship. He didn't come to show us how to "do." He showed us what to be. What we can become in Him. That's why His Life, amidst all the delays, difficulties, trials and tears, was marked by the total rest and contentment He had in His Father. The One He trusted to bring about all things for Him in the fullness of HIS time. Can we?

Chole asked a question along the line of "Who will hold the clock as to the timing of His purposes in our life?" Who does hold that clock? As concerns His promises, our calling, our ministry, everything that concerns us, who holds the clock? The Father, or us? Whose timetable are we on? His, or ours? Yes, the seconds are ticking away. Will we trust Him fully as they do? Do we really believe that He's never late, that He's always on time? Can we surrender to Him who is "the Timekeeper?

Pastor O

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