Friday, July 19, 2013

Heart Tracks - Swallowed!

     In our day to day living, which group of words would most describe our lives?  Fear, anxiety, anger, resentment, strife, ambition, isolation and loneliness, or joy, peace, contentment, hope, and abundance?
Paul often wrote of how either death, or life was at work in us.  Which, judging by the fruit of our day to day lives, is at work in you and me?  In 2 Corinthians 5, he wrote of being "swallowed up by everlasting life."  In contrast, if we are not being swallowed up by His life, then we are surely being swallowed alive by  death.  Which is swallowing us?  What "swallowed" us yesterday?  What will be swallowing us today?
    I have heard it said that the church, you and I, is to be a colony of heaven in the country of death.  There can be no denial of the reality of the country of death.  It's all around us and we see its effects everywhere.  The ever increasing advance of death and decay is before our eyes each day.  Our culture is being swallowed up by death.  The church itself is seeing the advance of death within its midst.  The colony is being overrun by the country around it.  It's not our lack of activity that is the problem, but that so much of that activity is motivated by our own flesh and strength, and not by the power of His resurrected life within us.  We argue over methods and means.  We label and segregate.  The colony becomes divided up into "us" and "them."  Meanwhile, the country all around us takes little notice of the colony in its midst, because, despite all of the energy we expend, it brings about no real transformation.  We fight and bicker with each other and those who abide in the country around us.  We deal with life more often than not just like its citizens do.  We talk about a joy, peace, hope and love that so few of us know and experience ourselves.  Hebrews tells of living in the power of a life that cannot be destroyed, but our lives seem to be destroyed each day, many times before we even step out of the door of our homes.
   Further on in 2 Corinthians 5, Paul writes, "Those who become Christians become new persons.  They are not the same anymore, for the old life has gone.  A new life has come."  The name "Christian" carries a negative connotation for so many today.  Could it be in large part because so many who take the name have never stopped living the old life?  That new life doesn't come because we raised a hand and agreed to "accept" Jesus (mostly on our terms), or because we took part in the quarterly baptismal service, or even because our church counted us as "new conversions" this year.  It happens because a work of grace, brought about by our Spirit led repentance, has brought into our hearts and lives, the undeniable life and presence of Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit.  The old life is done.  New life has come.  Yes, there are battles to be fought and won, and yes, there may be some setbacks along the way, but we will experience along that way, that we truly are being swallowed up by His life, along with the death that once held us in its grip.  We know firsthand that the sting and victory of death is gone, swallowed up by His life, and His victory, day by day.  And though the country of death will always be there, the colony of heaven will be ever expanding, till that day Christ comes to bring all the fullness of His life to bear.  Death swallowed up by victory, by His life.  Now, and forever.

Pastor O

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