Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heart Tracks - Present, Or Presiding?

     Politics are something I've little interest in writing about, but there is one aspect of them that fits well with what's on my heart today, and that would be the voting records of many Congressmen and Senators.  Opponents make much of these records, especially when the person makes no actual stand on an issue and merely votes, "Present."  For all intents and purposes, their presence meant little or nothing.  They were there, but their influence was nil.  In many ways, I believe this paints a very clear picture of the state of most of the western church.
    Oft quoted and prayed are Jesus' words that say, "Where two or three are gathered together, there I am in the midst of them."  We often then exclaim, "The Lord is here!," and He is, but the question for us becomes, "Is He merely present, or presiding?  Present, or pre-eminent?"  Think on this question, and then think on the unfolding of most of the "worship" services of which we're a part.  When we enter into the singing of hymns or choruses, what has priority; making sure the entire songlist is gone through, with no interruptions, so that the "flow" can go just envisioned by the worship leader?  If there is a time of prayer in the order of service, do we already have in our minds just how long that should be, and what kind of prayer it must be?  For the message of the day, is it tied to the power points on the overhead screen, so much so that there can be no digression from the planned "teaching" of the day?  Has everything been planned in such a way that we can "do church" in a polished, enjoyable and tidy way, and have everyone out of the door in no more than 75 minutes, after which we tip our hats to Jesus, thank Him for being there, and look forward to seeing Him week?  In short, are we asking Jesus to vote "present" in our gatherings, but giving no place for Him to preside, to lay hold of us, to control every aspect of the gathering?  Have we asked Him to be just one of the many spectators to this weeks performance?
    A.W. Tozer said of the early church believers, "One distinguishing mark of those first Christians was a supernatural radiance that shined out from within them."  They lived, bathed in a Holy Spirit fire and radiance that showed in their day to day lives.  When they came together, in gatherings presided over by His Holy Spirit, He exploded in their midst.  He did the same through them in their day to day lives.  Can the same be said of us?  Does that supernatural radiance shine and live through the church as we know it?  Can it be that we no longer really welcome the supernatural interventions of the Father.  Indeed, might we not even fear them?  We welcome His presence, but for Him to actually preside?  Not so much.
   Psalm 16:11 reads, "Show us the way of life, grant us the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever."  When this verse becomes our life reality, we live in the radiance Tozer speaks of.  Is it our life reality today?  Is it the corporate reality of our gatherings whenever we come together?    I recently read of this worship experience that took place in a church in South America.  75 people came together to worship.  85% of them were unemployed because of their faith.  In the midst of their worship, the electricity failed, and the sanctuary was plunged into total darkness.  So deeply were they immersed in worship that no one noticed and they just continued on in their adoration of the King.  Tell me, how many of our fellowships would have stopped everything in such a situation, and rushed to restore power, feeling we could not continue until our artificial light had been restored, so unaware that the Light of the world was there?  Have we gotten so dependent of the artificial that we cannot recognize the supernatural reality that is His light?  I can no longer be satisfied with a Jesus who is only present in my life, in our fellowship and in His church.  I must have Him as Presider as Pre-eminent.  I must have Him as Lord.  How about you?

Pastor O

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