Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Heart Tracks Living Face To Face

     "Either His presence changes everything, or it changes nothing.  He wants us to be absolutely clear on that......If the presence of Jesus was removed right now from our lives, what would immediately change?  What would be left of our Christianity without Jesus?  The first disciples would have said that everything would change and that they'd have nothing left.  They had heard Jesus clearly say, 'Without Me, you can do nothing."
- Bud McCord
     Earlier today I read an article a Facebook friend had posted.  It attributed the high rate of pastoral burnout and the leaving of so many from pastoral service to the fact that most of the church is not operating in their giftings, and so the pastor is left to fulfill all the offices and giftings of the Body within himself.  Let me say that I agree that this is true, but I don't think that it's the core of the problem.  We do lack the the fullness of His giftings, but it's not the lack of His gifts that have crippled us, but of His presence.  Not just within the Body, but within we who comprise His Body.
    McCord wrote in his book, The Satisfying Life, "Millions who say they believe in His presence, live as if He is already missing, and that His presence makes little practical, day to day difference."  How true might this be in our lives, our homes, our fellowships and our communities?  I think the truth of this can be seen in the state of our culture.  The lack within our culture, which so many of His people decry, has to be traced to the lack within the church.  Without Him we can do nothing, and nothing, in the end, seems to be what we're doing.  I know that sounds harsh, and I don't mean it in a harsh way, but can we deny the reality in which we're living, and can we dare to look beneath the surface to the reasons?  Why are so many pastors, leaders, followers, giving up?  Why does the salt and light of His presence have so little effect not only on our culture, but upon ourselves?  Why are we dying for life?
    Jesus said, "Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth, but not have a rich relationship with God."  So many of us are rich in "stuff" but have complete poverty in our life, if we can even call it that, in Him.  One of the prayers I am increasingly praying for myself and those He's given me to minister to, and that includes all who read this, is that I would, we would, live face to face, presence to presence with Him.  I believe only that kind of lifestyle will keep us from the burnout and failure written of in that article, and also, when we truly live in that place, I think the witness of such a life will lay hold of the hearts He has given us to minister to, and draw them to it as well.  I don't claim to have that life as yet, but my hearts desire is that I would.  How about you?
To have a life that is totally dependent on Him, and totally independent of all that is not Him.
     Mark 1:35-36 reads, "The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray.  Later Simon and the others went out to find Him."  Christ's days were marked by His constant seeking to see, know, and encounter His Father.  It was not a sometime thing, or a morning or evening devotion thing, it was a lifestyle thing.  It was His life.  May it be mine, yours, as well.  May we have an unshakable desire to see, know, and encounter Him, face to face, presence to presence, each day.  May He be so real in our lives, that even the slightest retreat of His presence, cannot go unnoticed in us.  That, like the disciples, we realize that everything changes when He reigns within us, just as everything will change, fall apart, when He does not.  "Wonderful times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord." Acts 3:20.  May such times be yours and mine today, tomorrow, always.

Pastor O

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