"And do not be drunk with wine...but be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:18....."When a man becomes Spirit-filled, he literally becomes God-intoxicated." Jack Taylor
To say someone is intoxicated is not a praiseworthy statement in almost all places. We almost always will go directly to the picture of someone reeling about, fully under the influence of either alcohol or some other type of substance. We use terms like "drunk" or "loaded" to describe them. They are literally at the mercy, leading, and in the control of whatever they've been drinking or ingesting. I know. Before Christ, I spent a great amount of my time as an adult in just such a state. Alcohol had little place for me, but if you could smoke it, swallow it, or snort it, I was your guy. I knew full well what it was like to be intoxicated, fully under the influence of what I was using.
When the disciples who were in the upper room at Pentecost had the Holy Spirit come upon them, they immediately went out to proclaim what the Spirit had done. So filled with His Life and Spirit were they that onlookers thought them to be drunk with wine. What they were was totally under the control and influence of His Holy Spirit. They were preaching, by the direction and power of His Holy Spirit, the crucified and risen Christ, and they were doing so in the power of His Holy Spirit. It was He who had fallen on them. It was He who had led them out into the city, and it was He who gave them the message that they now proclaimed. They were filled with His Spirit, fully led by His Spirit, and compelled by His Spirit. Pentecost and its fruits is to be the experience of a believer. However, is it the experience of you, of me? Of your church fellowship and of mine?
Theologian Jack Tayor writes, "The tragedy of the church is that there seems to be everything evident but POWER!" Think on this. Deeply. Do our lives bear witness to the power of His risen life? Does the life of the fellowship we are a part of? Does Holy Spirit power mark our ministry and the ministry we belong to? Has our life been radically transformed by His Life? Do we live a life that is clearly led not by our desires but by His? Is what we define as "worship" more man-centered or Christ-centered? We are called, as individuals and fellowships, to believe the impossible, to do the impossible, and all by the power of His Holy Spirit. Are we living out that call? Are we a God intoxicated, Christ intoxicated, Holy Spirit intoxicated people and church? Is everything evident in our gatherings but Holy Spirit power?
In John 20:22, we're told that Jesus breathed upon His disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." One thing I know for sure, Jesus Christ is still speaking, still breathing, and still giving His Holy Spirit to His church, and to you and to me. May I be, we be, His church be, those who are God-intoxicated in all of our ways and in all of our ministries for Him. May we walk, minister, and live in the fullness of His Spirit.
Pastor O
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