Monday, September 16, 2024

Two Fires

In my prayer journal I have the words, "Living between two fires." I can't remember my exact reason for writing them, but I believe I was thinking about the two fires that Peter found himself at different times in the Gospel of John.

The first instance is found in John 18. Jesus has been arrested and taken before the Jewish religious authorities for trial. All the disciples, including Peter had scattered when Jesus was arrested in the Garden, but as they took Him away, Peter followed Him at a distance. He followed Him into the courtyard where the council was meeting to try Jesus. As he waited, he was cold and saw that some of the guards and other onlookers had built a fire. He joined them there in order to warm himself. We can't let that detail escape us. Peter was warming himself at the fire of the enemies of Jesus Christ. Peter was standing right among the very people who wanted to kill Jesus. Even worse, as he stood there, he was recognized as one who'd been with Jesus. In fear, he denied it....3 times. The last with a curse. After the third time, Jesus was led past Peter and the others in bonds. His eyes met Peter's. What must have passed in the minds of both as their eyes met?

The second fire came about in John 21. Jesus had risen and had appeared to not only the original disciples, but to 500 other people as well. Peter and 6 other disciples decided that they would go fishing. Another detail not to be missed. Jesus had called them from their nets to follow Him. He never meant that they should go back to those nets. Their fishing yielded nothing. Then Jesus appeared on the shore and called to them. At first, they didn't recognize Him, when some of them did, Peter leaped into the water and swam to the shore. When he got to Jesus, he found that the Lord had made a fire and was broiling fish on it. This fire was kindled by Jesus, so unlike the first which was made by men. 

Two fires. Where are we, you and I, living in relation to them? I think in many ways, a large number of us try to live between the two. Not really fully integrated in the fire kindled by the world system that is anti-Christ in spirit, but not fully integrated into the fire that only He can kindle and sustain. We end up trying to live between them....except that we can't. We must choose. Have you chosen? Which fire do you warm yourself at? Which fire sustains your soul?

Peter stood at the first fire because he was afraid to be identified fully with Jesus Christ. How many of us are joining him there in some part of our life? Where do we evade fully identifying and standing with Jesus? Where are we compromising what we say we believe by standing at the fire of the enemy? Jesus looks into our eyes as we do. What does He see? What do we see?

Peter was found at the second fire because He loved His Lord. He had to reach Him. When he got there, Jesus led him into a full and complete commitment and identification with Himself. He would never return to that first fire. He would live out his life, ministry, and calling at the Fire of the King. Will we join Him there?

Two fires. We will be found at one or the other. This day, this moment, at which do you stand?


Pastor O 

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