Friday, July 12, 2024

Extravagant Faith

 "When He entered the house, the blind men came to Him, and Jesus said to them, 'Do you believe that I am able to do this?' They said, 'Yes, Lord,' " Matthew 9:26...."God has called us to live in impossibilities.....We've been conditioned not to believe extravagantly." Chris Tiegreen

Scripture says that true faith "believes all things." This doesn't mean that Christ's followers are naive or that they believe whatever someone, say a preacher or leader tells them, though sadly, some fall into such a category. They're in the minority. The Bible understands that Scripture to be applied to have the kind of faith that can believe the Lord for anything that He has matter the seeming impossibility.

Tiegreen says that He has called us to live in impossibilities. That means He will lead us into places that are impossible to overcome or succeed in by our own strength and ability. Places that unless He comes, we will fail, fall, and even perish. We're not to fear the impossible when we know that He's the One who has led us there. Those who live in surrendered faith have come to know His voice and recognize His leading. He may and likely will lead us into places that everyone around says are impossible. He tells us that all things are possible for Him who believes. Maybe you once believed this. Do you believe it now?

Tiegreen also says that we, the church, have been conditioned to not believe extravagantly. Extravagant faith believes all things. Extravagant faith believes for miracles in the midst of the impossible. Extravagant faith knows the Lord it follows and trusts Him completely.

Someone said that every child believes in miracles until some adult tells them that it's not possible. That's true in the world and sadly, true in His church. We come to Christ in faith. We believe He can and will do miracles in our lives. We believe for miracles and in our early walk, we experience them. Many enjoy our exuberant expressions of faith, but just as many, maybe more, are made uncomfortable by them. They're uncomfortable for a number of reasons, but the most common I think is that they have simply grown used to depending on themselves, others, knowledge, science, Doctors, psychologists, and politicians. They develop a worldview that's not based in Scripture but in the world's value system. They doubt the reality of miracles. They no longer really believe for all things. They believe in Him, but they don't really believe Him. They're uncomfortable being around those who still do, so, though well-meaning, they tell these others that what they're believing for, expecting from Him, isn't reasonable. They're the adults telling those with child-like faith that miracles aren't really possible. Or, they admit that miracles can happen, but it's just not realistic to expect one here. And so, a faith that once really did believe for all things, adjusts itself to take a more "realistic" view of this impossible place.

Today, where you are, are you one who has an extravagant faith in Jesus Christ? If not, why not? He is Lord of the impossible and He lives in us by faith. God of miracles. God of the impossible. He asks, "Is anything too difficult for me?" Extravagant faith answers "no." How do you answer?

Pastor O

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