Friday, June 14, 2024

Bumblebee Life

 The promise of 2 Corinthians 1:9 is beautiful, but how much do you and I really dwell upon it? The Apostle Paul writes, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." What a wondrous promise and reality, but how real is it to us? We've heard it preached and read it for ourselves, but it just doesn't seem real. Not as a future state or a present one.

Erwin McManus in his book, Soul Cravings, writes, "God calls us out of the life we have known and calls us to a life we have never imagined." Eternal life. A life whose wonder begins the moment we come to Christ in surrendered belief and faith. Sadly though, this life remains more theoretical than actual to us. We're blinded by the earthly, passing realm and cannot see or perceive the heavenly eternal one. We're citizens of the Kingdom of God, but our lives don't look to be markedly different from those who have their citizenship firmly in this fallen world. Yes, we're promised a wondrous future, but we're also promised the riches of His life right now. Are we realizing the promise? Do we dare to believe that what He calls us to, what He created us for is real? 

McManus writes of "the bumblebee effect." According to the laws of physics and aerodynamics, there is absolutely no reason or possibility for a bumblebee to be able to fly. Their bodily structure should make it impossible. Yet they do fly? Why? The answer is....that's what God created them to do and it's what they do. They don't know that it should be impossible. They're just doing what He intended for them to do. We need to become part of the bumblebee effect as well. We need to know that defeat, despair, discouragement, and disillusionment are not what He made us for. He made us to be overcomers, to be victorious, to go from glory to glory. He made us to fly. Circumstances, problems, the screaming voice of the enemy say it's impossible. He whispers in our ear, "You can. You can fly. It's what I made you for. All things are possible for him who believes."

He created us for a life beyond imagination. My heart soars in the expectation of what the fullness of eternity will be, but I also know that He created me, and you, for a life beyond imagination in this realm as well. A life that can rise above all the wreckage of this fallen world and......soar. The enemy, through this broken world, says that there is nothing about us that makes such a life possible. There's nothing about us that makes it so, but there is everything in Him as He lives through us that does make it so. The Father, in Christ, simply invites us to step out in faith.....and fly. He created us to scale the spiritual heights with Him. What's keeping us from that? What's keeping you?

Pastor O

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