Sunday, February 18, 2024

That Day

 Mark Buchanan writes that there are three things we can be sure of concerning God's faithfulness. First, He's faithful to forgive our sins if we confess them. I John 1:9 Second, He's faithful to make us holy and blameless in Christ. I Thessalonians 5:23-24. Last, He's faithful to get us home. That's a promise found everywhere in His Word.

Getting us through. Getting us past. Getting us home. He'll be faithful in these each and every day. If we will trust Him, believe Him, obey Him. The "scenery" of our lives in our day to day living can change greatly. At other times it can be marked by dreary sameness. Through it all, in it all, He promises to take us through, to take us past, to take us home. A home that can never be found here. Still, "here" is where we find ourselves right now, and "home" can seem so far away.....and very unreal to us.

There are times when we are literally drenched in His showers of blessings. But there are also days, weeks, months, perhaps even years, where His skies seem to be shut up. Where the drought seems neverending.  In those times, where is the evidence of our God and His faithfulness? What has happened to Him. What has happened with us? Where is He? The answer, if we'll dare to believe, is that He's there, with us. Just as He was in the showers, He is there in the drought, the dreariness, the heartache. He is with us as He was with Paul in his Roman prison cell. As He was with John, living in exile on the island of Patmos. As He was with Elijah, as he huddled fearfully in a cave. As He was with David as he ran from King Saul, a king intent on killing him. He was with each of them, all of them. Getting them through. Getting them past. Getting them home. Faithfully walking with them step by step, day by day, never leaving or forsaking them. Never letting them go. Holding them to Himself. Getting them home. As He did with them, He does with us. With you. Can you believe this? Will you believe it?

In John 6, after feeding 5000, Jesus was asked, "What does God want us to do?" He answered, "This is what He wants you to do. Believe in the One He has sent." Believe Him. In the sun and in the storm. Believe Him on the mountaintop and in the valley of despair. Believe Him in the place of calm and amidst the earthquake. Believe Him. Believe His words, His promises, and His faithfulness. Faithfulness that will get you through, past, over, home. Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 1:12, "For I know Whom I have believed, and I'm persuaded that He's able to keep all that I've committed to Him until that day." That day....when the journey is over and He's gotten him home. Can you believe Him for that Are you persuaded? To trust, believe, and obey? Life's landscape contains twists and turns none of us can be fully ready for. He is. He's already there. He'll get us through. Get us past. Get us home. If we'll keep on following, holding to Him, one step at a time. As it is written, "The One who has promised is faithful and true."

Pastor O

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