Monday, January 22, 2024

The Exchange

 In the 31st chapter of Jeremiah, the Father is speaking to His people Israel, a people whose disobedience and rebellion had led them into a captivity within the empire of Babylon. They were far from their homeland and their lives were ones of chaos and despair. A chaos and despair of their own making. Even so, the heart of their God sought them out there, and called to their sorrowing hearts. He said, "I have loved you, My people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself." In this captive land that was not their land, He spoke three powerful promises to them. "Tears of joy will stream down their faces and I will lead them home with great care.....For the Lord has redeemed Israel from those who are too strong for them...

....I will turn their mourning into joy. I will comfort them and exchange their sorrow for rejoicing."

I don't know where you are today as you read this, but be sure, He does. Like the Israelites, you may be overwhelmed in the midst of chaos and despair. Maybe you're there as the result of your own choices. Maybe you're there because of the actions of others. Whatever the reason, you know it to be a place of desperation. Such a place as you've never known before. Can you trust a God who is greater than all the chaos and things you fear?

It could be that though you're not facing any particularly intense danger or circumstances, you do feel yourself to be wandering, moving through this time in your life where the only distinguishing characteristic is the dreary sameness of it all. You may not be in sorrow, but neither can you remember when you were truly happy, or content. You've heard about His joy, but you wonder if you'll ever really know it.

Maybe your place is one of just wondering, "does anyone, including God, really care about me or love me?" You feel alone, forgotten, abandoned, and rejected. You've felt this way for a long time. You long for acceptance and unconditional love, but will you ever find it? 

In these places, in all places, He longs to reveal not only His love and care to you, but Himself as well. That you would not only know about His unfailing love and care, but that you would experience it, live in it as well. To know and experience them in the deepest parts of your being. To know that you can regardless of how you may have gotten to this place, be it your own failures or another's. He wants you to know that as you wander through the grey surroundings of your personal wilderness, He will, if you will come to Him, "lead you home with great care." Come to Him, because in Christ, He has already come to you. 

If you find yourself in circumstances far greater than your ability to deal with or overcome, know that He will "redeem you from those too strong for you." He will turn your mourning into joy and exchange your sorrow for rejoicing. It's a guarantee written in the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. 

Why not stop where you are right now and call to Him from your heart? He's there. He's always been there. He'll answer. He'll come because He already has come. He'll lead you out with care, love, and power. He won't fail because He is love and His love never fails. It will not fail you now. 

Pastor O

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