Friday, August 4, 2023

Sacred Smallness

‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’  Jeremiah 33:3....."Your life doesn't have to be big to be beautiful in the Lord." Jenny Papapostalou

I love Jeremiah 33:3 and I know that it's true. He will open our eyes to see wonders and He will share His heart and His thoughts with us. He reveals what's hidden, and He does so with those whose hearts are attuned to His. Still, though I have always believed and experienced this promise, I think for much of my life and ministry in Him, I had a flawed understanding of what He was promising. I thought that if He would tell me of great and mighty things He would also use me to do great and mighty things. But that isn't His promise at all, and my believing that it was led to a lot of frustration in my calling. That's why the quote from Papapostalou is so powerful.

Papapostalou speaks about the "sacred smallness" that most of us are called to. Those places where almost all that we do goes unseen and unnoticed by the world and most of the church. Hidden places where the only One who sees is Him. Those of us who covet renown and applause can never be happy in that place. The applause of the world matters more than the applause of heaven. We completely miss the truth of what Papapostalou is saying. In our quest for a great life we miss having a beautiful one. Beautiful in His eyes. Pleasing to His heart. A blessing to Him, and to those He has used us to minister to. We may not have lived and ministered on a grand and mighty scale, but we did so on a beautiful one. We may not have been a fragrance of Christ to thousands but we were to some. Some who may never have had an encounter with Him had they not encountered us.

You may be in a hidden place right now. Very few know that you're there. He does. All you do for Him, preach for Him, love for Him, give for Him, may be hidden from almost everyone but it is not hidden from Him. You're His fragrance there. A fragrance that would be absent if you weren't. Your scope of influence and ministry may not be great and wide, but it's beautiful. Eternity will show the wide effects that your life has had.....all while you thought no one noticed. And the outward ripples of your life, ministry, and service will go on throughout eternity. What could be more beautiful than that?


Pastor O 

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