Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Knock-off Jesus

 Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?” Mark 8:27......"I want Jesus. The real Jesus." John Eldredge

Back in the mid to late 70's, I worked at and managed a ladies designer type shoe store. We specialized in shoes that were copies of name designer originals. They were almost exact copies of the originals and at half or less the price. Young women from around the city gave us a hefty customer base. They could get a very fashionable shoe that looked so much like a designer shoe and at a price they could afford and were willing to pay. To the average eye, it was hard to tell the difference. It looked just like the original.....except that it wasn't. They were what are known as "knock-offs" in the fashion industry. This isn't about fashion shoes, but there's a lesson for the church here.

John Bevere said that so many in the church are embracing a "knock-off Jesus." A Jesus that looks in many ways just like the real One....except that he isn't. The knock-off Jesus is much more acceptable to us. He emphasizes "love" with a heavy mixture of tolerance. Especially for our sinful behaviors. Knock-off Jesus doesn't convict us of sinful behaviors and keeps telling us that he loves and accepts us in spite of them. Most of all, knock-off Jesus doesn't get onto us about living a holy life. Purity, integrity, character, these are not central to His message. He mainly wants us to know He loves us. Knock-off Jesus is only real in our minds. He doesn't exist outside of them.

Jesus asked the question in Mark 8:28 because there were a multitude of opinions as to who He was (much like today). After his disciples named just a few, He asked, "Who do you say I am?" Peter replied, "You're the Christ, the Messiah) They were all far from even beginning to understand the infinite depths of who He was and is, but one thing they did know; He was no "knock-off Jesus." They would never be free to create their own definition of who He is. Neither are we. Yet we try to. Where might you be trying to do so today?

Knock-off Jesus is showing up everywhere in the church today. Is he showing up in yours? Have you created your own idea of who He is? If so, what will it lead you to? John Eldredge hungers for the true and full reality of Jesus Christ. Do we? Do you?
Ann Graham Lotz wrote a book some years back titled, "Just Give Me Jesus!" May the cry of her heart and of Eldredge's heart be ours as well. May we just want Jesus, the real Jesus. Scripture says that there is salvation in no one else. There is certainly none is any of our many Knock-off Jesus'

Pastor O

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