Friday, March 24, 2023

I Believe

 “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”  John 11:27

...."It's time to say, 'Yes, Lord, I believe.' "  Francis Frangiapane

Is there a bold exclamation point in your profession of belief in the Person of Jesus Christ? Is that also present as concerns His promises. All of them, especially those in whose trust you are presently being tested? The sisters Martha and Mary certainly believe in who Jesus was, but now they were tested in their trust in what He had promised. Their brother Lazarus had died. They saw that death as final, at least for his life. They believed that he would one day be resurrected unto eternal life as Jesus had promised. They couldn't believe that he could be resurrected now. There were limitations on what they could or would believe. We shouldn't be too hard on them, because most of us have such limitations as well. And it is crippling our lives and the fellowships of which we're a part.

Evangelist and author Samuel Rodriguez has said, "The process is only temporary, but the promise is permanent." What he meant was that the fire, the valley, the mountain or giant standing in our way is part of the process in our journey of faith. We will not get through this walk of faith without encountering them. Our great problem is that we get focused on the process, the problems, obstacles, and seeming impossibilities. We are pilgrims passing through here. We're citizens of His Kingdom, not the kingdom of this world. What we encounter here, no matter how difficult or daunting, is something He means to bring us through. The process of pressing through is temporary, but He has given us permanent promises for us to lay hold of along the way. His promises are not weakened or cancelled by anything we encounter in the process.

The process for those who have professed faith in Him is not going to be getting any easier. Indeed, we are coming into circumstances and situations that are going to severely test our faith and trust in Him. As Frangiapane says, it is time for us to declare in the face of all of it that, "Yes, Lord, I believe!" Declaring it with the boldest of exclamation points possible. Declaring it in the midst of the impossible. Declaring it in the midst of any and all danger and need. Declaring it when every circumstance and appearance have joined to tell us that to believe is utter foolishness. Declaring it and being willing to look like a fool for doing so. Declaring it because we know, in the end, Jesus Christ will vindicate our faith. King David, who saw and faced the greatest of impossibilities, and found victory in them all, said, "I would have despaired if I had not believed I would see the salvation of the Lord in the land of the living." He did, and so will we.....if we believe. Wholeheartedly, with all of our being, believe. May we declare, may you declare this day, and every day, "Yes, Lord. I believe!"

Pastor O

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