Friday, July 8, 2022

No Surrender

 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33...."Jesus overcame the devil every time, in every place, and on every level." Leonard Ravenhill

I think some may see me as not being realistic about the days we're living in. I get it. Being an optimist in these times is not easy. Even well meaning fellow believers can seek to "dampen" our outlook. They point to all the end time predictions that are found in the Book of Revelation. I get that too, except there is an important part of that which we're missing. We don't know if we're actually in those times yet or not. I have no quarrel with those who believe we are. We may be, but His Word also tells us that we are not to live like those who have no hope, and that was not just a future hope, but a present one. Whatever the circumstance, personal or cultural, I am determined, by His grace, to face it with the outlook expressed by Jesus in John 16, and by the great evangelist Leonard Ravenhill. He has already overcome every trial and sorrow that may come our way, so in Him, we do as well. We are more than conquerors. His Word says so, and I have already made up my mind to believe His all things and in all places.

I'm well aware of the darkness that is steadily overtaking our culture, nation, and world. I refuse to live as if I, and His church are powerless against it all. I refuse to believe that it is too late for us. His return may well be imminent, and if so, I'm joyously looking up in expectation, but whether it is or not, I mean to live looking up and moving forward. I don't think He gives us permission to live any other way. I am not naive about the enemy's devices and power, but I know that his power is as nothing compared to the infinite and miraculous power of our Lord. As Ravenhill says, Jesus defeated Satan on every battle ground possible, to the cross and to the tomb. He has already defeated him on every battle ground of our lives, our homes and families, and in His/our church and 

As I close, I think of the scene in the great Lord of the Rings movie, "The Return Of The King." Aragorn leads the ragged remnants of the free lands army against the gates of Mordor, dwelling place of the totally evil Sauron. His soldiers are intimidated by its seeming might. He rallies his troops by telling him that he sees in their eyes the fear that would take his own heart and that perhaps the world of men would fall one day, but it would not be this day. He led his small numbers against the might of that dark realm and prevailed. For all of us, the time of the end will come, but for the believer, until it does, we must live as if it is not this day, and fight for the victory. No surrender. No giving up. Going forward, looking and to Him.

Pastor O

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