Tuesday, June 28, 2022


 "In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes." 2 Corinthians 2:11...."We may be done with the kingdom of darkness, but the kingdom of darkness isn't done with us." Chris Tiegreen

Paul penned the above Scripture from 2 Corinthians and connected it with how the devil infiltrates our minds and hearts through the presence of unforgiveness in our lives. That's the immediate context, but the enemy's ways are no less insidious or limited in a multitude of other areas in our lives. How successful he is will depend on our awareness of his ways, as Paul says, but also by being aware of the many different means he uses to attack us. Paul wrote that "we are not unaware of his schemes," but I would not readily concur with that as concerns the modern church. I think a large segment of the church is very much unaware of his avenues of attack, and we are paying a heavy price. In our marriages, families, relationships, and ministries.

The ways of the enemy are subtle far more often than blatant. Watchman Nee said that his initial assault upon our hearts and minds is aimed at securing some "ground" in our lives. His next assault will come from the ground that he has now secured. The U.S. strategy in the Pacific during WW2 was to land troops upon a strategic island, establish a beachhead, and then from that beachhead eventually secure the whole island. This is what Satan does in a life, even in the life of one who belongs to Christ. He doesn't willingly surrender a soul, and if he cannot take it back, he will seek to render it powerless. He does so by securing more and more "ground in our lives. Paul called them strongholds. It is out of these strongholds that he operates and wages war. We need to know that he will do this, but even more, we need to know the areas of our lives where we are vulnerable for him to do this. Too many of us aren't.

Besides the "normal" areas such as unresolved anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness, as well as lust, greed, jealousy, and so on, there are the host of less obvious but just as deadly operations that he conducts against us. Many of them are things that have found widespread acceptance in our culture, as well as in some areas of the church. We see them as harmless, which is exactly as the enemy would have it. Unseen enemies are always the deadliest. Let me focus on just one.

I am amazed at how acceptable the occult has become in the culture of the church. Movies, TV, literature, and video games have become saturated with various levels of the occult and its practices. In our ignorance, indeed, our deception, we don't see them as a problem, and that is exactly why he so easily establishes his "beachheads" in our lives. We watch, read, and game with blatantly occultic images and stories and see no harm in it. He in turn plants all of that in our spirits and comes against us through them. Have you ever done any studying on how many of the acts of violence carried out by teens were from young people who were strongly linked to entertainment, literature, and games that were graphic in nature, but viewed as not harmful by them or their parents. When we watch or read that which glorifies darkness in any form, what have we brought into our spirits? We are spiritual beings first and foremost. God is Spirit and so is the enemy. Both link to us through our spirits. One or the other rules our spirit. Which one is it for you?

I realize that it is easy to slip into legalism in these things and see the devil lurking in everything. That is why having true spiritual wisdom, discernment, and understanding is a must. I think they're in short supply in a great segment of the church, and so, we are easily deceived by the enemy, allowing him entry into our lives through means we see as harmless. As a result, from the foothold we've allowed him, he operates against us. Every problem we have is not the result of some satanic influence, but can we at least consider that much of the depression, suicidal thoughts, and addictive behaviors that are rampant not only in the culture, but the church, can be the result of the spirits we entertain unknowingly through what we watching, reading, and listening to?

Some may dismiss what I'm saying, so all I ask is that you honestly take this to Him in prayer as well as the things you think might be questionable for you. Wait upon Him for answers. He will give you the guidance you seek and need. If you're one that just looks at all this "demonic influence stuff" as just a lot of superstitious mumbo jumbo, I'll reference a song by the great singer songwriter of the Jesus Movement of the 60's, Keith Green. One of his songs dealt with the workings of the devil in the world and church. A lyric in it has the enemy chortling at his success in wreaking havoc because, "no one believes in me anymore." For all of us, may we not fall into such a trap. May we hearken to Paul's words in 2 Corinthians....and not be unaware of his schemes.

Pastor O 

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