Monday, January 10, 2022

To What?

 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me" Matthew 16:24....."Is it possible the power of the church has been lost because we keep inviting people to comfort, safety, and security in Christ?" Larry Crabb

If you're one who is a frequent attender of church worship services, can you recall when Matthew 16:24 was last preached? I mean really preached, without apology, without fear of scaring people off, and with a full description of what it meant to "take up his cross?"
Crabb asks a penetrating and probing question. To what are we inviting people to? When we invite them to Jesus, what kind of Jesus are we bringing them to? One who guarantees our every need and comfort being seen to? One who promises to keep the suffering and pain of life to a minimum? One who will keep us "safe" wherever we are and wherever we go....even if it's down to the corner store? Can any of us point out any place in His Word where Jesus made such an invitation? Indeed, Jesus sought to dissuade people from coming after Him until they had "counted the cost." He wanted them to know that He wasn't inviting them to a safe life. He was inviting them to His life. His way. His cross. They knew exactly what He invited them to. What He still invites us to. So...why don't we?
In so many ways, we've emphasized His blessing, His comfort, His peace, and His help. We've created a kind of expectation in people that if there is suffering and pain, we can count on Him to make it of short length and limited effect. It reminds me of the ads directed at children of my generation and the toy sets offered by manufacturers. Along with the picture shown, there was always a blurb saying something like, "Here's what you get!" It's a common approach with adults as well. Promoters want to promote what the buyer is getting. Somehow, this "promotion" has found its way into the western church. As one man put it, we've exalted the blessing over the Benefactor. Come to Jesus and you'll have peace, joy, protection, security, provision, and much more. There is great truth in this, but we define these blessings and gifts according to our earthly understanding, and not the understanding of His Kingdom.
In my prayer journal I have written, "Can He trust me with pain and adversity?" Not if my expectation is in His keeping me from the effects of pain and adversity. Not if I think He will somehow make an exception for me in the carrying of my cross, of my following hard after Him. Of, as His Word says, "partaking of the sufferings of Christ." All of this is what's involved in the extending of His invitation, but so often lacking in ours.
I know it's risky to preach this, but then, it's extremely risky to follow Jesus. It is also the greatest blessing and joy. Someone, I don't remember who, asked this question; "Are we willing to lose everything on His behalf in order to gain everything He has promised? Instead of living a long life, are we willing to live a life worth living?" Jesus invites us to enter into places only dead men and women can go. Dead to all the demands of self so they can be fully alive to the call of Christ. What an adventure! What experiences we will share with Him. Entry comes by way of the cross. That's what He invites us to. He invited you. Do you come?
Pastor O

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