Friday, June 11, 2021


 "Those who embraced his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to the believers that day. They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. A sense of awe came over everyone, and the apostles performed many signs and wonders." Act 2:41-43...."If we really knew God we'd set the world on fire." Leonard Ravenill

I heard Francis Chan preach on this passage, and he said that for years, he was very uncomfortable preaching through the book of Acts because he had been taught that the wonders seen during those times in the early church, ceased with the passing of those apostles. He said that though he accepted that teaching, always in his heart was the sense that what the church was then was what the church was to be now. Yet the prevailing spirit around him was that it couldn't, and wouldn't be. I believe this thinking is a spiritual stronghold, and holding it will choke the very life of the Spirit out of us, and out of the church. We don't lack evidence of that fact. So there's a two-fold question for us to consider: Has the church become fireproof? Have you and have I?
Having fireproof products in our homes is a good thing as concerns natural fire. Being fireproof to His supernatural fire is certain death for the church and for us. How many of us have fallen into the trap that Chan lived in? How many of us read of the wonders of the early church, believe them completely, yet at the same time believe that such wonders, such "fire" cannot be ours now? There's a line in an old hymn that I've always loved; "I never will forget how the fire fell...." Most of us cannot forget it because we've never experienced it in the first place. We've found our niche in the church and we're quite comfortable. Quite comfortable indeed. We go to our organized worship services and we know exactly what to expect each time. The songs we sing may change, and the sermon topic too. We may even expect them to be very good, even moving. We may emerge talking about how good the service was, but what really has taken place in our hearts and lives? We don't come expecting a true encounter with the risen Christ. We don't come expecting to encounter a holy God whose presence is so mighty that all we can do is be undone before Him. Ravenhill said that we need "a fresh revelation of the majesty of God." When's the last time that happened to us? When were we last overcome by a sense of awe concerning our God. our Jesus, and of His Spirit and presence?
Where have we allowed our lives to be "fireproofed?" Where have we allowed our churches to be so as well? We've allowed "strongholds" to be erected in our minds concerning the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Strongholds are lies we believe as truth. Perhaps the greatest lie we have believed is the ministry and presence of the Spirit in His church, or more correctly, His lack. We've created a tame God who knows His place and doesn't intrude on our lives outside of our fireproofed "worship." There is no such God and He will not be contained. His fire will fall, is falling. The question for each of us is will it fall upon us, or pass us by? His Word tells us that He's a consuming fire. Has He ever truly consumed us?
I believe that His Holy Spirit fire is already falling. May it fall upon me, upon us. Whatever "fireproofing" we've allowed in our lives and hearts, may we renounce them all, and come to His altar....and be consumed by His holy fire. May we as individuals and as a body, know what it is to have His fire fall.
Pastor O

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