Friday, February 5, 2021


 "Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God." Romans 1:1....."Paul is unconscious of himself, he is recklessly abandoned, separated by God....." Oswald Chambers

Reckless is not a word that has good connotations for most. It brings up pictures of people living with no thought of their safety. Of people who don't dwell on the consequences of their actions. Reckless people may be admired for their bravery, but rarely, if ever, for their wisdom. Few have as their desire the living out of a reckless life. Therefore, it surely comes as a surprise to most of us that a reckless spiritual life is exactly what we're called to, but few of us even hear the call, and fewer still answer it if they do.
Why do we think it is only the "Paul's" of the church who are to be "recklessly abandoned" to Him? Why are these same Paul's expected to exhibit reckless faith, reckless trust, and reckless courage? Why is timidity, caution, and an obsession with safety seen as disobedience in them, but acceptable in us?
As I ponder this, I'm reminded of the workplace term, "Business casual." There was a time suits and ties were the norm in the workplace, but a more relaxed atmosphere has replaced that. That may be fine in the business world, but not in the Kingdom. I think we've adopted our own kind of "Kingdom casual" outlook. We've become very casual about the kind of life we're called to, the kind of witness we're to exhibit, and the kind of ministry we're to perform. Fervency in our faith has been replaced by a more laid back approach. Those who wish to respond to His call to reckless abandonment to Him are viewed as being extreme in their faith, and not a little bit strange. Francis Chan was once admonished by a member of his church over his call for people to wholeheartedly give themselves away to Him. They told him that he needed to realize there was "middle road" in the faith life. Not too shallow, but not too intense either. What they don't know is that middle road is called lukewarmness, and it only leads one death.
We are entering into days that none of us have ever witnessed before. Casual, middle of the road faith lives will not bring us through. We are going to be challenged on every level of life. All of our comfort zones are going to be invaded. We are going to have to step out on pathways that we won't see until we take the step. It will not be safe, and to do so will be seen as reckless. But the pathway will lead to victory, to overcoming, to life.....Recklessly abandoned. That's His call to us. By His grace, I intend to answer. I think there is no other choice for me. Is there another choice for you?
Pastor O

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