Monday, December 7, 2020

The Wind

 "And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2

I came across a kind of illustration the other day about the ways and ministry of the Holy Spirit. A Los Angeles meteorologist was discussing the heavy smog that was hovering over the city and showing no signs of moving off. It was choking the life of the city and people. He said that the only solution would be that a wind "from somewhere else" needed to blow over the city in order to expunge the smog. I don't think there can be a better picture of the cleansing power of His Holy Spirit.
There is a heavy "smog" covering our nation, indeed, all the nations. It is the smog of sin in all of its forms. We are reaping the harvest of our rebellion and rejection of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Like that smog over Los Angeles, it is literally choking our lives from us. Yet we seem in the main, unaware of it. Amazingly, we seem greatly concerned about the physical pollution of our world while we appear oblivious to the pollution of sin that is far more deadly. We need a wind from somewhere else, somewhere not of this world, but from Him.
Keith Green sang a song called "Rushing Wind," with the lyric, "Rushing wind blow through this temple, blowing out the dust within." The smog and dust of sin is not only all around us, but also within us. The pollution of this world, our breathing of it's atmosphere, has invaded our hearts and minds. We need His heavenly wind to blow anew over and into His Church. Into me and into you. And we need to know that sometimes, oftentimes, perhaps this time, the blowing wind may come violently. No matter how the wind of His Spirit comes, may it come now.
There are so many cases in His Word where the Lord came, moved, acted, "suddenly." In a sudden moment, everything changed. Everything was different. Such was the case at Pentecost when His Holy Spirit came upon those gathered in the upper room. Jesus had told them to come together and wait upon the pouring out of His promised Spirit. I believe, indeed, I know He has called us to do so anew right now. We need to live in expectation of His "suddenly." We need to be seeking, waiting, ready.
It has been said that heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. So it is as concerns the pouring out of His Spirit upon a dry land, people, and church. When He suddenly comes in power, it will be for a prepared people ready to receive all His fullness. I want to be among them. Do you?
Paul Baloche in his song, "Over and Over," sings the lyric, "The wind is beginning to blow, I can feel it. The river is starting to flow, I can see it. These are the days of His Presence, times of refreshing." So they are. The wind from another place is blowing. Will we be prepared to not only hear and feel it, but receive it? The spiritual smog, dust, and pollution needs to be blown away and out of us. May it come upon us now. May it come upon you, and me, now. These are the days of His Presence. May we full present for the fullness of His Presence.
Pastor O

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