Monday, November 2, 2020

Passing By

 "I perceive that this is a holy man of God, who passes by us continually." 2 Kings 4:9...."In the Bible, 'man of God' indicates a man who kept company with God continually." Vance Havner

Havner tells the story of his first pastorate at a church that had once been led by several men who had gone on to become prominent preachers. Yet, none of these were spoken of by the congregation. The one who was had a name Havner had never heard and could find no great "success" stories about. His name was Josiah Hilliard. The people spoke of him with love and respect. Years removed from the church, his memory was still strong upon the fellowship.
Havner had formed a friendship with a farmer who was a long time member and who had known Josiah Hiliard.. One day he asked the farmer about him, "What was the secret of his strength and the grip he had on you?" The farmer thought for a moment, and then said, "He just loved us." As Havner made his way back to the church, the Scripture from 1st Corinthians came to his mind, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not love, it profits me nothing." The young Havner bowed his heart and spirit before his God and prayed that he might live his life out in the truth of that verse.
2nd Kings 4:9 speaks of the Shunammite woman who had noticed the prophet Elisha frequently passing by her and her husband's home. Her perception was that he was a holy man of God, and she wanted them to build a room for him to stay in when he did pass by. Havner connected that verse with the man Josiah Hilliard, who, to all who knew him, was "a holy man of God who passed by continually" through the lives of those he pastored and encountered. They knew him to be a holy man of God. One who spent much time in His presence. Whether we're pastors, preachers, evangelists, or simply believers, who are we to the ones we "pass by" in our day to day living? Does anyone perceive us as holy men and women of God? Do we spend such time in the company of God that others remark, if only to themselves, that there is a real presence of the Father, of His Spirit, about us? If they don't, can we dare to consider why they don't?
Josiah Hilliard was the least known but most memorable pastor of a church that had produced many "names" in ministry. He was the one remembered. He was the one who gave off the scent of heaven to all he came into contact with. He was the one to whom those he ministered knew had been keeping close company with God. For we pastors, do those entrusted to us say the same? And this is not confined to pastors. As men, women, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers, friends and fellow workers, does anyone speak this of us? Again, do we dare to consider why they don't? Do we dare to pray such a prayer as did Havner, that we would come to live in the truth of 1st Corinthians 13? Do we realize that we cannot apart from living closely with Him, in His company, as a way of life?
I think the foremost attribute of a person of God is that they bring no attention to themselves and live lives that point to Him. Their lives bring glory to God as they just live out His life before those that they "pass by" each day. They model His peace, joy, abundance, hope and love, all as they pass by. May it be so of we who confess Him as Lord. May we pass by always in the company of our Almighty God. Recognized as men and women of God.
Pastor O

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