Friday, August 7, 2020

Breathe Life

 "This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you and you will come to life." Ezekiel 37:5....."The heart of the One who breathes life wants to fill your circumstances with His breath....He loves breathing life into impossibilities." Chris Tiegreen

In this vision, God had taken the prophet Ezekiel to a valley filled with dry bones. He then asked Ezekiel, "Can these dry bones live?" Ezekiel was wise enough to answer, "Only you know that Lord." God then proceeded to make the bones come together and stand, and then added flesh over the bone. Last, He breathed His Spirit into them and they became alive. For Ezekiel, what he surely knew to be impossible became reality. How could a pile of long dead bones come to life again? Impossible from Ezekiel's perspective, not so from the Father's.

Where are the "dry bones" in our lives? What appears to be long dead, and long past any help of resurrection? Marriages, families, church fellowships, ministries? How about dreams, desires, hopes, and more? All of these can appear to us as nothing more than piles of dry bones. All of them can be seen as impossible situations beyond all hope of ever being changed. Beyond all our hopes.....but not beyond Him.

Can we dare to believe that into any and all of these He can come and breathe His life into our impossibility? Can He really enter into our pile of ashes and make something beautiful there? Can He heal the marriage we believed fractured beyond repair? Can He bring the prodigal child home from the land of the dead? Can He bring healing and reconciliation into a body of believers who were thought to be divided beyond the hope of any reconciliation at all? Can we believe that He will breathe His life into our impossibility? Even our greatest impossibility?

I'm not saying that we can randomly demand this of God in all of our situations. Some dry bones people and situations can be determined to remain just that. However, if in your heart, you still sense hope, you still hear His voice speaking into your impossibility, then He is saying to you, to us, there, "Can these dry bones live?" Our part is to reply, "Only if You make it so Lord." Then we step back and allow Him to be who He is. The One who breathes life, His life, into our impossibilities. The One who makes dry bones live. Do you believe He can make yours come alive for you?

Pastor O

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