Monday, June 22, 2020

Burgers And Fries

"Then Jesus replied, 'No! The Scriptures say that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4..."Meanwhile the disciples were urging Jesus to eat. 'No,' He said. 'I have food to eat that you know nothing about." John 4:32
It's been years since I first heard the story, but it still blesses, inspires, and convicts me today....A young Nepalese woman had come to Christ. In her village, hunger was often a way of life. Many times she would go several days with nothing to eat. Yet it did not dampen her fervor for her newly known Lord. She said to a missionary, "Though I face difficult times, there is joy in my heart because I know Jesus. If I don't eat for 2 or 3 days that's fine, but if I don't attend Bible study, I feel so unsatisfied." How many of us could say anything even remotely similar? Few of us are in danger of missing one meal let alone several days worth, yet how loudly do our lives speak of our love of earthly nourishment over that which is rooted in His Kingdom? And that "nourishment" is not limited to actual food, but can be found in money, relationships, career advancement, possessions, and a comfortable secure lifestyle. We can be filled to the full with such while we starve for lack of the food of His Word. We can feel distinctly unsatisfied with what we think is lacking in our lives while all the while not missing that which is central to life; His Living Word.
I have lost count of all the times I've heard believers of all ages confess their lack of devotion to His Word. They admit they need to spend more time in it, resolve that they will, but inevitably, a short time later, they're confessing the same lack once more. And experiencing the same failures and captivity to behaviors and attitudes that have held them for years. The nurture of this world had more power over them than did the Word they claimed to live by and in. When we're not living in His Word then we're living in and by something else. Disaster will always be the end of it.
Jesus spoke the words from John 4:32 in the midst of ministering to the woman at the well. His disciples were hungry so they went into town to find food. They weren't there when He ministered life to that outcast woman. They didn't witness or have part in the sharing of words that contained such power as to transform a life from misery and despair to one of hope, joy, peace, and power. Small wonder that when they returned He had no desire for their "Burgers and fries." He was and remains the Living Word. The Food of the Kingdom and the sustainer of life. The disciples didn't know of it then, but one day would. Do we know of it now? Will we ever?
What is the story of the Nepalese woman to you and me? Is it just a nice story, even one that gives some inspiration? Or, does it deeply convict us of how little we have esteemed, lived upon, and consumed His Word into our lives and spirits? Have we become so satisfied with the junk food and soda pop of the world that we have no room to be unsatisfied with the lack of the food only He can provide?
The choice comes down to; do we want to spend our lives consuming the "Burgers and fries" of this world, or the Living Word of eternity? What's your menu look like today?
Pastor O

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