Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Heart Tracks - The Artist

" are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed." Luke 10:41-42...."Having made us for Himself, He does not at first fashion us for usefulness. He fashions us for knowing Him." Chris Tiegreen
During my ministry I once had a dear older saint who, whenever we were faced with a need that we knew only He could meet, strongly put forth the belief that we needed to accelerate the good works we sought to do. This meant more time given, more sacrifices made, more energy expended. She believed that doing all this would "Show God that we were really trying." She was a good woman, but she never was able to grasp the reality of His love, grace, and desire for us. She believed we had to first "earn" those things. She never understood that He had already given them. It was our part to receive. As someone once put it, we expend a huge amount of energy trying to get into a room that God has already opened to us. Where in our lives, ministries, churches, do we continue to do the same? Where do we continue to try and show Him that we have (finally) done enough to earn His help and His love? Where do we keep trying to "show" God we're worthy?
Maybe it starts with knowing that we're not worthy. We never have been. Grace wouldn't be grace if we were. Maybe it starts with knowing that His love and grace is not based upon how useful and valuable we are to Him. Tiegreen writes, "He is first and foremost an Artist, a Craftsman, and a Father who enjoys His children. He is not a factory worker manufacturing a product....The Artist wants to enjoy His work." We are all lumps of clay in His hands, and we can do nothing to shape ourselves. We can yield to those hands, and allow Him to shape us according to His dream and desire for us. In the above Scripture, busy Martha was complaining about her sister Mary, who sat at Jesus' feet while she prepared a meal. Mary was being shaped by Christ, while Martha sought to shape herself. Mary chose the One Thing of relationship and intimacy with Christ over the many things that drove Martha to distraction.
Everywhere in the church are pastors and workers who are burning themselves out trying to be useful in the Kingdom. We, like Martha, are driven to distraction trying to please Him, serve Him, be valuable to Him. What we don't seem to see or know is that we already are. And if we sit at His feet, allow ourselves to be shaped by His love and grace, we will be far more effective through His hands than we could ever be through our own. Again, as Tiegreen writes, "He will use you well, but not before He has enjoyed your company."
How much use I have been in the Kingdom will be for Him to decide, but I do know that whatever use I have been has been the result of dwelling in Him, sitting at His feet, choosing the One Thing. The years of seeking His favor were mostly wasted years. I am so thankful that at last, like Mary, He led me to discover what really is "the best part." Have you discovered it as well? When we dwell in Him, He flows through us. And one second of that relationship can accomplish more than a thousand years of seeking to be useful for Him. One second of the fullness of Him is worth everything. Is it worth everything to you? He's the Artist beyond compare. May the Artist have His way with each of us.
Pastor O

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