Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Heart Tracks - Two Voices

"I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of God." I Corinthians 1:18.....'The enemies tactics are limitless, but his intention is plain; Get the Christian off track. He wants us to mistrust Jesus and start making decisions based on fear and anxiety." Christ Tiegreen
In my prayer journal, I've written down a question that cannot be avoided by any professing believer; "Who's louder; The Truth of the cross, or the lies of the enemy?" I believe this is a question that needs to be answered definitively by a once for all choice, but also daily as that choice will be tested by the incessant attacks of the kingdom of darkness and death.
The Word says that "All the promises of God are 'Yes and Amen.' " Satan's ploy will always be to "get us off track," to, as Tiegreen says, "get us to mistrust Jesus." When this happens, we do base our choices, decisions and direction on emotions and feelings. He will apply such pressure as to make what we're feeling to be more real than what He is saying. It's a simple but effective plan, and it is working in the lives of so many who confess a faith in Him, but give witness to deep seated unbelief in Him. Today, any day, is that plan working in you and me?
It's been said that Satan shouts in the darkness while God whispers. Ears that are not attuned to the heart of the Father will never hear the whisper. Only the shouts will register, and the actions and choices that follow will be rooted in the lies within the shouting. The shouting will tell us that we have to do something, that we must act now, before it's too late. The shouts will speak every kind of lie, and all of them based in the ultimate lie that Christ cannot be trusted, that His words aren't true, at least in the particular situation we face. We only hear the shouting because we've never learned to discern His voice, His whisper, in the secret place of intimacy with Him, with His heart.
Tiegreen writes this, "If we let circumstances constrain us, Satan will manipulate them indefinitely, stringing us along our whole lives in uncertain, fear induced steps...Do not negotiate with the terrorist when he threatens." The terrorist of our souls will threaten us all the day long. The giant Goliath stood before the Israelites shouting threats day after day while they cowered in their tents. David, a young shepherd armed with only a sling, shouting at the giant, who'd been speaking in the voice of the devil, "You come to me armed with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel." The army of Israel had forgotten that. The giant's shouting was louder than their God's truth. It was not so for David, who not only knew that "secret place," he lived there. He slew the giant and he won the victory. So shall we if reject the shouts and lies of the darkness, and embrace the Truth of the Lifegiver, the Truthgiver. Two voices come before you today. That of the author of lies, and the voice of the Author of Truth and Life. Which do you hear? Which do you live by?
Pastor O

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