Friday, August 16, 2019

Heart Tracks - The Call

"My heart has heard You say, 'Come and talk with Me.' And my heart responds, 'Lord, I am coming.' " Psalm 27:8
I once heard a brother say that we ought never to embark upon any day without first having a true encounter with the Lord. In almost all cases, this comes about through a concentration upon His Word, and a time of intimacy with Him in prayer. These are Holy Spirit supplied water and bread for our souls. We "know" this because we have heard it again and again from many different teachers of the Word. Yet such times may be the most neglected aspect of our walk with Him. Indeed, can we even say we're walking with Him if we are neglecting them?
I cannot begin to count how many brethren I've heard say that they could trace most, if not all of their spiritual struggles to that very neglect. They've let those times of fellowship with Him go by the wayside, and as a result, "leanness has entered their soul." They are missing the nurture of the Lord, and so are spiritually starving as a result. I know from personal experience that whenever I put aside these times, that very leanness enters my soul. I'm far more vulnerable to to the enemies onslaughts, through the circumstances of the day. Anxiety, impatience, fear, temptation, all of these gain strength against us because His life within us is being ignored. Our "outer life" can seem unchanged. We're still "doing ministry," or carrying out our secular occupations with integrity and faithfulness, but our inner life is withering by the moment. Weariness, lack of fulfillment, disillusionment, and more, will be present in some form or another. The desire to go on, to go further, deeper, fades. We come into real danger of just having the form of godliness, but totally lacking the power of such a life.
Some years ago I saw the results of a survey that said pastors on average, spend less than 10 minutes a day in prayer. If the shepherd has such a prayer life, what could be that of the flock? More, this goes a very long way to explaining why so many pastors suffer from burnout, and even leave the ministry, worn out, and used up. To be a true pastor and preacher of His Word requires an ever growing inner life in Him. If it is lacking, then that pastor will at best, only be going through the motions, ministering in the flesh, and at worst, will find their ministry shipwrecked. Yet all the while, the voice of His Holy Spirit woos us. I believe that in every waking moment, He calls us to "come and talk with Me." Do we hear Him?
The Psalmist says that his heart has heard Him. Has ours? Or, have the demands of all the other "taskmasters" we've allowed into our lives silenced His voice, made our hearts deaf to that voice? He calls us. He calls you. Have we heard? Have you heard? Will we, you, come? Or, do we yield to the other voices that seek to draw us from Him? His voice brings forth life. All other voices bring only death. Which do you hear? Which do you come to? Jesus is calling. To Jesus do we come?
Pastor O

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