Friday, May 31, 2019

Heart Tracks - Into The Deep

"Put out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." Luke 5:4....."He calls us to launch out into places where we have no choice but to depend on His instructions and His power." Chris Tiegreen
In response to the above Scripture and quote, I have written the question, "Would Jesus put us into deep trouble or need?" That's a question most of us would rather not consider let alone answer. It flies in the face of the popular western Christianity conception of "faith" life. We'd much rather believe that He is always purposing to add good things and results into our lives. More. Bigger. Better. Comfortable Christianity some call it. How can a faith based upon a Savior and His cross come to such a conclusion? It can only do so by eliminating that cross, and remaking that Savior into Someone much more acceptable to our flesh.
Tiegreen writes, "The deep water can be a scary place to be. For Peter, it seemed like a pointless place to be." Jesus can and will send us into seemingly pointless places. Paul wanted to go minister in Asia Minor. The Lord sent him instead into Macedonia. Asia Minor appeared ripe for a massive move of the Spirit. Macedonia seemed anything but. Yet to it he was sent. For Paul, the question of whether he would go had already been the cross. Has it been settled with you and me? When He directs us to something, some place, someone, that seems just as pointless as His direction to Peter, has the debate already ended? Will we go? Will we venture into that deep obedience and trust....with all fears, questions, and outcomes placed at the foot of the cross. At the feet of the King?
The deep is indeed a frightening place. It is dark and murky. It is threatening and dangerous. And He is Lord over all of it. He knows what's there and He has already conquered it all. The darkness, the waves, the wind, the threats and danger, all must yield to Him. If He's placed us there for Him, then we must know that they must yield to us as well. When Paul was sent out he was told by the Spirit that "a wide door for effective service has been opened for you, and many are the adversaries." We will not lack for adversaries in the deep. Neither will we lack for His overcoming power and presence as well. If we know this, then we can "put out" into the deep waters confident not in ourselves, but Him.
The call of the King is always to put out into the deep. The deep things of the Spirit. Jesus knows nothing of a comfortable faith. His way is the way of the cross, and that way will not cease to call us ever deeper into Him. A wide door of overcoming life will be opened to us.....and for sure, the adversaries to that life will be many. He has overcome them the deep. He calls us into it, you into it. Do you come, or do you remain in the shallows by the shore?
Pastor O

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