Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Heart Tracks - Three Words

"Suddenly Jesus was standing there among them! 'Peace be with you,' He said." John 20:19...."Then He breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.' " John 20:22..."Don't be faithless any longer. Believe!" John 20:27
In this post-resurrection encounter with His disciples, I see three words Jesus speaks to them that both they, and we desperately need to hear and receive. His resurrection was and is a transformational event and experience, and it is meant to be for all who are His as well. To fully receive these words will usher us into that experience, and our need for that experience is indeed.... desperate.
When first Christ appears, the disciples are in hiding, in fear of their lives. Think on this; the greatest happening in human history, the resurrection of the Savior of the world has taken place, but they didn't know it. They had likely heard about it, but its reality hadn't taken hold of their lives. They were in turmoil. Into the turmoil steps Jesus, and He speaks what their hearts and spirits most need to hear and receive.....Peace. His peace. Erwin McManus said that only two people can fight and win the inner battle within us all, Jesus Christ, and us. We "fight" by surrendering and granting Him entry. He "fights" by simply proclaiming His victory over everything that seeks to rob us of peace and keep us in that turmoil. He need only speak that peace to us, but our deep need is to receive it into our hearts and spirit. He has spoken it to you. Have you yet received it?
Next He gives what their weak and fearful flesh so desperately needs, His Spirit. He breathes upon them His Spirit. This is a precursor to the outpouring of His Holy Spirit at Pentecost. At that time, His Spirit would be poured out in its fullness. Here, in this room, He breathes His Spirit upon each of them. And His Spirit brings to them strength in place of weakness, hope in place of despair, joy in place of sorrow. He commanded them to receive His Spirit, and they did. He has commanded us to as well. Have we? Have you? Or do we, like the disciples, cower in the various "rooms" we retreat to, hide in? He gives His Spirit willingly. Do we receive Him willingly?
Last, He appears again to the disciples, and Thomas, who wasn't present in the previous encounter. Thomas doubted the reality of their report. He wanted to "handle" Christ himself. Jesus appeared in the very midst of his doubts, and did indeed allow Himself to be handled. He then spoke not only to Thomas and the others with this command, but to us as well; "Don't be faithless. Believe!" His peace, His Spirit, receiving them are contingent upon our believing Him. For that to happen, He'll allow us to approach Him, the Lord of glory, and "handle" Him, if that is what is needed for us to believe. But to us He'll speak that same command, "Believe!" And if we will, we'll receive His peace, His Spirit, His Life.
Three words; Peace. Spirit. Believe. All center upon Him. All are agents of transformation. All are meant to define our lives. The presence of His peace and His Spirit, and the steadfast faith and trust in Him to all that He's said, and all that He's done. Have you heard these words? Have you entered into this life? He's come to your room, and He speaks to you these words. Do you hear them? Do you receive them? Or do you stay in the room...hiding?
Pastor O

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