Friday, March 1, 2019

Heart Tracks - The Other Side

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
Mountains appear a great deal in Scripture. Usually we associate them with the impossible. Small wonder. Mountains are imposing. They are barriers preventing us from getting to where we want to be, from taking possession of what we want to have. And they keep us from seeing just what is on the other side. Here's something else. The mountains that stand before us are allowed to be there by God Himself. What we need to understand is that there is "something" on the other side of them that He wants us to come into possession of, and that something is defined by Him alone. We can be sure of this, that something is worth whatever is involved in seeing the mountain moved in order to lay hold of. God wants us to get to the other side.
We tend to associate the promise of Matthew 17:20 and the mountains it speaks of with our accomplishing great feats for Him. Feats that win us acclaim and admiration, and above all, get us to where we want to be. Getting us what we want to have. These mountains keep us from our goals, in our lives, professions, ministries. At times, this is so, but I have found in my long journey with Him, that the greatest mountains, obstacles and barriers before us are found in our own hearts and lives. It is these that most keep us from getting to the other side. And it is these that the Lord most wants removed in order that we may lay hold of all that He has for us on the other side of them.
It's our inner mountains that are our most daunting. They're the ones that keep us from the fullness and abundance that He has promised. Those things within that keep us living in an orphan mentality rather than that of sons and daughters of the King. Mountains that keep us believing we must earn His love and favor instead of knowing we have already received it through our faith in Jesus Christ. Barriers that make us constantly see our lack instead of His riches. Obstacles that make us see only our weakness instead of His Almighty power. These, and so many other mountains just like them, are what He would have us speak to in faith. These are what He most wants to see removed in order that we might take possession of all that He has on the other side of them. Mountains in our hearts and minds that keep us seeing ourselves as grasshoppers instead of His children of the promise. When sin entered into the world, these mountains were arrayed before each of us. The Father, through Christ, would remove all of them. It's for us to believe that He will, and in faith, speak those words of belief and trust, and behold them to be removed. Then we enter into the fullness of what He has for us on the other side.
What are the inner mountains that keep you from the other side? What mountains keeps you seeing yourself as an orphan, a grasshopper? Over the course of a lifetime, those mountains will only grow, but no matter how large they become, words of faith from us, coupled with His Word of power, will move them all. And our pathway to the other side made clear. Haven't you been on the wrong side of the mountain long enough? Break through, in Him, to the other side.
Pastor O

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