Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Heart Tracks - Life Finds A Way

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10
....."Take hold of the life that is truly life." I Timothy 6:19
We live in the midst of a world system where the actions of the thief get all the attention. We see the destruction wrought by him, the lives ruined, families and churches broken apart. We have fully entered into the time when the Bible says that "evil will be called good, and good evil." It would be easy to look upon all of this and lose heart. Many have. Many have accepted that the battle has been lost, and that all that is left for them is to await the ending of their lives and their entrance into His eternity. This is not biblical. As long as we draw breath as the people of God, we have purpose. His purpose. And there is hope, there is a future, and above all, there is life. His life.
What I write today was spurred by a line I heard in the movie "Jurassic Park." Jeff Goldblum's character is arguing against the man-made manufacturing of modern day dinosaurs by scientific means. Those doing so were convinced they could control all the elements involved and eliminate all risks. Goldblum's character differed. He believed that the very fact of their being alive was greater than all the controls science sought to establish, saying, "Life finds a way."
When he spoke that line, I was immediately reminded of Jesus' words in John 10:10. The enemy fully believes he is in control of the events of this world. Of your world and mine. Stealing, killing, destroying, he believes he can do all of this without you, to me, to all. He sees no possibility of anything else. Into all of it comes the One who is Life itself. The One His Word says is the "Author of Life." Into the seeming impossibility of countering the works of darkness and hell, comes the One who is greater than all of it. He comes into it with His Life, and if we will receive it, we will find, in the midst of the destruction, His Life finds a way.
Can the proof of this be any more clearly seen than in His resurrection? At the cross, the enemy thought he'd won. In the tomb, the enemy was sure he'd won. His stealing, killing, destroying was at the forefront. But in His resurrection, all of that fell at His feet. The enemy was crushed. Life found a way. Life finds a way. His Life will always find a way. Can you believe that?
Throughout His Word, Old Testament and New, we see again and again the power of His Life breaking through. Breaking through darkness, death, and every circumstance that goes with them. Can you believe that His Life will do the same for you? He doesn't promise that He will remove us from the circumstances of our lives, but He does promise to break through them with His Life, Joy, Peace, and Hope. In the poverty of our surrounding, we can have an abundance of His Life. We can have it now. His Life finds a way. Will you allow it to find its way to you?
Pastor O

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