Friday, January 18, 2019

Heart Tracks - Do This

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]”
28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
From time to time in my preaching, I'll share with our fellowship some of the things I pray for them, and for all He's moved on me to intercede for. I thought I might do something of the same today, as, if you are receiving these writings, you too are counted among those.
It's a simple prayer really, but one with powerful consequences if we allow Him to work it out in our lives. I ask Him that we would, in all aspects of our being, fully live out all it is we say we believe about Him. That we would live life to Life, heart to Heart, and mind to Mind with and in Him. To experience the reality of what it is to love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength, the reality of this prayer has to come to be in us. It is impossible to love Him in this way when our hearts, our souls, and our strength are given to anyone or anything else. So the question arises for each of us, is this prayer being answered in your life and mine? If it isn't, why is that so?
The teacher of the law that asked the question knew exactly what the answer was, that's why he was an expert. Yet his motive was anything but pure. He sought a means to try and expose Christ as a false teacher and prophet. The fact that he was blind to who Christ actually was mirrored the blindness of his heart and how far he was from God. The "expert" in God's law could not recognize God as He stood before Him. He had given himself to many things, but he had never given himself to the Father. He had the right answer, but he didn't have the right life. Do we?
Let me share with you the last part of my prayer; "Father, walk with us today. Fill our lives with Your heart. Fill our hearts with Your Life." Most of us would say we desire this. How many of us can say we are living and experiencing it? Divided hearts that give their strength and soul to other things will never know such life. Jesus told the teacher of the law that if he would live out what he said he believed, he would have true life. He hasn't changed that statement concerning you and me. If we will live out what it is we say we believe about Him, we will have such life as well. We will live. We will move from just knowing what the definition of true life is to actually experiencing it to the full right now.
The Father calls us, in Christ, to literally walk life to Life, heart to Heart, mind to Mind with Him. It will never happen unless we give as our offering of worship, all of our hearts, minds, and life to Him. Whether we do or not will mark us either as ones who only know the definition of what real life is, or ones who actually live that life. What marks you and me?
Pastor O

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