Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Heart Track - The News

"They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord." Psalm 112:7
Author and speaker Lisa TerKeurst spoke recently of the day in which she received devastating health news. Crushing news. Shattering news. News that left her in pieces. As she confided all of what she had learned to a friend, that friend, speaking in the Spirit told her, "Lisa, you have to remember that news is not truth." News is just news, and all news, even the worst, has to bow to the reality of the One who is Truth itself.
All of us have unspoken fears concerning that which we consider being the very worst that could happen, happening. Our mate dies, or even worse, abandons us. Our children reject our Lord and our faith, and enter into a totally secular and hedonistic lifestyle. The financial stability we spent a lifetime developing is lost overnight. A ministry that once bore so much fruit, withers, dies, and is lost. When the "news" of any of these comes to us, we, like TerKeurst are just as devastated, crushed, shattered, and broken. It is then that we must know that the news we have just heard is not the Truth. I am not saying that it's all just a bad dream, though we certainly will hope that it is. What has happened is reality, but we have to stand in the the Greater Reality of the One who is bigger than all things. In the midst of the news that can literally paralyze us, we need to know this; the One who calls Himself I AM has not left us. He walks with us, fights for us, and carries us through. News is not Truth. He is Truth, and in the day of bad news, His Truth is His love that will not let us go. His Truth is the Light that shines forth in the deepest darkness. His Truth is the power that breaks the strongest chains. His Truth is of such infinite wonder that all the might of the enemies weapons and the circumstances through which he employs them, are rendered impotent before Him.
I leave you with one more thing I heard TerKeurst say. She said that the news she'd received had so crushed her that she felt like she was nothing but powder, but in that, the Father revealed a deep truth. He reminded her that He was the Potter, and that she was His clay. Clay begins as powder, and the Father adds His water of Life to that powder, turns it into clay, and molds and shapes something totally new and beautiful from it. This is Truth, and no matter what the Day of Bad News brings to us, it can't diminish it. Very likely, your day of bad news will hit you as it did TerKeurst. Maybe it's upon you now. News is not Truth. He is. You may feel like nothing more than powder. Know that if you will allow Him, He'll take your powder, and shape all of it into something new and wonderful. He is Truth, and that is exactly what the Truth does.
Pastor O

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