Friday, February 2, 2018

Heart Tracks - Contradictions

"So God created man in His own image." Genesis 1:27...."You and I were created to tell the truth about God by reflecting His likeness. How many lies have you told about God today?" Ian Thomas
Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. We who take His name consider ourselves, or should, as bearers of His Truth in the world where He has placed us. We point and look to the authority of Scripture, to the works and miracles of Christ, and above all, to the cross and resurrection. We believe this is true...all of it. We invite others to believe, we are burdened that they would. We present to them Truth, and we want them to receive and believe that Truth. But do we ourselves really bear witness to the One who is Truth?
How often have we spoken of a Father who gives joy, peace, strength, and hope? How often have we proclaimed Christ as the One who makes "all things new?" The One who gives victory, beauty for ashes, and turns our mourning into dancing? We preach it, teach it, sing it, and believe it. Yet the piercing question for each of us is, do our lives give witness to any of this being true? As Thomas asks, are we telling lies about our God and Savior through the way we live? How many lies will our lives tell about Him today?
If we speak of peace, do we show forth that peace? What marks us, the stress we are under, or His peace that passes all understanding? What's more prominent, our wounds that are still open sores, or His healing power that restores and makes whole? What do people see more of, our despair and discouragement, or the boundless hope we have in Him? Do they see us paralyzed by our troubles and circumstances, or pressing on in Him because of the "joy set before us?" Joy that is present now. His joy. Joy unspeakable and full of glory. Are these things on display in our lives, or do our words, actions, and attitudes just tell lies about Him?
It grieves me to know that I have been guilty of doing this very thing. Proclaiming Him as He truly is, but being so often a contradiction to who He is. Impatient, judgemental, and too many times, unloving and uncaring. No, none of us perfectly exhibit His face in our lives. We all fail at times. But when the failures become a pattern, we've got a sin issue, and the only answer, as in all sin issues, is to take it to Him. Because the only way for the truth and the fruit of His Spirit and Life to enter into ours is to confess our lack of it, surrender that to Him, and allow Him to work His truth and life into us. And more and more, our lives become a true witness to Him and the sourness of our spirit and heart recedes moment by moment. Instead of being a contradiction to Him, we become a confirmation of Him.
Contradiction or confirmation? Which is more the real description of we who call ourselves His people? Those we work with, for, and minister to may not be the best ones to ask, valuable as their thoughts might be. What would our wives, husbands, children, and parents say? Do they see a contradiction.....or a confirmation? And don't worry about the contradictions that might be in their life. Pay heed to the "log", I mean, the contradiction, in your own.
Pastor O

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