Friday, September 2, 2016

Heart Tracks - How Does Our Garden Grow?

"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessing and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live." Deuteronomy 30:19....."Every choice is a seed that is planted and every seed bears fruit. What is growing in our garden?" Alicia Britt Chole
The Father's heart cries out to us through the words of Moses. I know that many today tend to dismiss most, if not all of the Old Testament. They do so to their own harm. God speaks life through His Holy Spirit through every book of the Bible, both Old Testament and New. His heart cry to His people Israel is a heart cry that continues today. Is it going out to you? If so, can you hear Him?
We live in a culture that bombards us with temptations that are in direct conflict with the Kingdom culture of heaven. Many of these temptations can look and sound very good. The devil hasn't changed his agenda. He'll mix in some truth with his great lie, just as he did in the Garden with Eve. Proverbs says that "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is death." The enemy will come to us with so many choices that seem right, but to choose that way will surely lead to death on some scale. No aspect of life will be free from them. All of them will be lures that bring us into either compromise with a culture and mind-set at odds with Him, or into open defiance of His will. We fall into sexual immorality because we are in love, and love is good, isn't it? We throw ourselves into the pursuit of success, material things, money, all of which seem good, but they kill our desire for the pursuit of Him. We slip into a belief system that is in direct opposition to His revealed Word, because we're told that His revealed Word is not only outdated, but unloving. All of these are choices, and the choices before us are unending As Chole says, they are seeds planted in our life garden. What, really, is growing in our life gardens?
James Robison says that God once confronted him with the warning that "There are too many rocks in your garden." Rocks that choked out His life. Rocks that were allowed there by the choices he was making. Gardens filled with rocks grow weeds. Choices made against His revealed will do the same for us. Tares are weeds that look almost the same as wheat. Only the harvester can tell the difference. What grows in our garden today? Tares, or wheat?
His heart cry to you and I will never grow weak, but our ability to hear it will surely diminish as we continue to refuse to heed it. The same path lies before us all; either life or death. There is no middle road in the spiritual realm. The road of death can look much life life, until you reach its end and discover the truth. What choices are you making? What road are you walking? What seeds are you planting, and what fruit are you growing? There was an old car care ad for oil filters that had a mechanic talking about the engine overhaul that needed to be done because of not properly installing new filters. The mechanic said, "You can pay me now, or you can pay me later." Our wrong choices oftentimes have no seeming cost now, but be assured, they will later. Our choices are like rocks thrown into a pond. The splash causes circles to go outward for quite a distance. So too will ours. Into eternity. The choice is before each of us today. Death or life. Blessing or curse. What seed do you choose?
Pastor O

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