Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Heart Tracks - Listening Ears

 "Let him who has ears to hear listen and understand." Matthew 11:15......"If we had ears to hear, what would He be saying to us?" Beth Moore...."This generation is drunk on a spirit of deception." James Robison

I don't remember who said it, but I have written down in my notes the quote, "The church is thinking logically to the wrong conclusions." T. Austin-Sparks said something to the effect that we have reduced His mystery and His Word down to what our intellects can understand. Spiritual discernment in the Body is not just lacking, it seems to be wholly ignored. So much of what is happening is based in the flesh, yet we who are His seem unable to discern that. And so, as Robison says, we often walk in deception. Charlatans, fakes, and ear-ticklers abound, but we seem unable to discern that, and so many are led astray....fooled. The Who sang the classic "Won't Get Fooled Again," but we do. Again and again. Moore's question is piercingly honest. If we had hears to hear, what would He be saying to us?

Think on that question as it applies to every area of your life, your household and the part of the Body to which you belong. If you could truly hear Him, what would He be saying to you concerning each and all. In all of them, are we walking in ways that seem right to us, or are we being led in all by His Spirit?
The people of Israel journeyed according to the actions of God's pillar of fire and cloud. The Church today has Someone infinitely greater to lead us; His Holy Spirit. And His Spirit speaks, teaches, counsels, and leads, and He does so as concerns every aspect of our lives. As he does, He also gives us understanding, discernment, spiritual sense. He leads, He checks, He speaks. And He does so in the midst of every kind of circumstance and need. Proverbs says that there is a way that seems right to a man, but it's end is death.....destruction. This will always be the result when we live in and depend upon our own understanding.  And doing so will be an open invitation to deception and eventually, destruction. The fruit of this lifestyle is everywhere to be seen. Where is it seen in us?

Where are you thinking logically to the wrong conclusions in your affairs of life? In our relationships, families, life choices, and especially ministries, where are we operating in dependency upon our intellects and fleshly understanding? He has direction for every detail of life. He speaks into all of it. Have we ears to hear Him? As to how we are living, moving, relating, ministering right now, what does He say? How does He speak? Do we walk in spiritual discernment, or do we lean upon our own understanding? Do we live in the spirit of His wisdom and understanding or our own? Where are we thinking logically to the wrong conclusions? Does the way we're on now seem right to us? If so, in who and upon what are we basing our confidence?

Pastor O

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