Monday, February 15, 2016

Heart Tracks - Wineskins

 "No one pours new wine into old wineskins." Mark 2:22........'We know God easily if we do not constrain ourselves to define Him." Joseph Joubert...."The life of a disciple may be rigorous, but it is never rigid......Though we can certainly expect Him to be constant, we cannot expect Him to be predictable." Chris Tiegreen

Judging, if I may use that word, from what I see on Facebook and other places these days, there seem to be a great many people who feel they have pretty much figured out what the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will do and how They will act. We've done quite the job of putting labels upon each other, so its small wonder we should try to place labels upon Him. We see ourselves as flexible and would reject the idea of being considered, "old wineskins." Yet our flexibility seems to disappear whenever we come into contact with anyone who might not agree with our concept of the 3 in 1 God. There is much tragedy to be shared in all of this, but the greatest tragedy is that we have succeeded to a very great degree in removing the mystery of who He is. Our western minds want a Father, a Jesus, a Holy Spirit that we can have reasonable expectations as to how They will show up in our lives. We don't like surprises, and we certainly don't like living in the unexpected. I believe very strongly in having correct doctrine and theology. However, we can construct a God that we insist stays within the bounds of our doctrine, theology, and especially the characteristics of our own group. We don't want Him to step outside the boundaries we've set for Him. When that happens, we become old wineskins, and we can be just as unaware of that as were the Pharisees Jesus spoke of.

Chris Tiegreen writes, "Do we take the time to ponder which of our own wineskins have attempted to accommodate Jesus and failed?....On what points are we rigid? Where do our expectations lie? Do we insist that Jesus bring about our own vision for the future? Do we try to constrain Him to our church structures? Do we rely on methodology in our ministry? (They)....may be good, but Jesus will not fit. He defies constraint. The Lion of Judah cannot be tamed."

Jesus said in John 3:8, "The wind blows wherever it pleases." We cannot control the wind. Why do we seek to control He who is the Source of the wind? Joubert's quote is powerful. The less we seek to define Almighty God, the more we may know Him. And the desire of His heart, His greatest desire, is that we know Him. He is a mystery. He says so Himself. But He invites us to enter into His mystery, and behold Him to reveal Himself in its midst. To do that, we have to let go of all of our presumptions about Him. I had a very great friend who has since gone home to Him. One of the favorite things he used to say was that he had an "Oops theology." As in, "Oops, I guess I was wrong." Old wineskins can never live in such a theology. Only new ones can. He will never violate the truth and authority of His Word, but we must know that our limited minds cannot begin to understand how deep, high, and wide His truth really is.

I continue to grow older, and my natural skin is losing the soft, flexible feel it once had. Yet it is my fervent hope that the "skin" of my heart remain as tender and pliable as that of a child. How about you? In the spiritual realm, we're all wineskins. Are we old ones.....or new?

Pastor O

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