Monday, September 7, 2015

Heart Tracks - The Floor

"For the Kingdom of God is not just fancy talk; it is living by God's power."  I Corinthians 4:20....."Abide in Me and I will remain in you......You cannot be fruitful apart from Me." John 15: 4......"When the Spirit of God moves through the Word preached in power, the objectives of God are accomplished.....the work of redemption is done.  How can we attain to this?  The old fashioned way is prayer, faith and surrender; and I know none other.  Pray, and as you pray, surrender, and as you surrender, believe."  A.W. Tozer

I've been thinking on the words of I Corinthians 4, John 15, and Tozer.  We are called into a life of power.  Resurrection power.  Yet so few of us ever seem to really enter into that life.  We do an excellent job of talking about that life, even inviting others into it, but I think on something spoken by T. Austin-Sparks over 50 years ago, and that is that we have no right to invite others into the rest of God when so much of our own lives are lived in unrest.  We cannot invite others into a life lived out in His power when we ourselves are not living such a life.  Power, not of the sort that brings attention to us, but glory to Him, is to be the natural consequence of a life lived out while living fully in Him.  I believe most professing believers would like to live such a life, so why don't we?  I think, no, I know, that the answer lies in the three elements Tozer shares in what it is to live in the power of His resurrection.  Prayer, faith, and surrender.

I think most of us never go beyond the surface in our prayer lives.  We're mainly concerned with getting God's help on all of our problems here in the earthly realm.  Get us out of this problem or trouble.  Improve our circumstances, change difficult people, get rid of the "bad stuff" of life and replace it with what we consider the "good stuff."  God is our helper and we spend a great deal of time trying to get Him to see and do things our way.  We live mainly in our own strength, but seek His when we think ours might not be enough.  News flash:  The Father has little interest in such a prayer life.

The ultimate purpose of prayer from His viewpoint is that it brings us ever deeper into the knowledge of who He is, and also who we are.  It's prayer and life that is lived out as we abide in, live in Him.  We may start as mere buds on the vine, but we gradually grow more and more into His likeness until our lives really become fruitful.  Our agenda ends and His purposes begin to be lived out through us.  It's not that we no longer bring desires and needs before Him, but that as we do, it's with a surrendered heart and spirit.  It's always with a heart attitude of "not my will, but Yours O Lord."  The natural outcome of this is an ever growing trust and faith in Him.  We believe.  Not because conditions are favorable or that He's doing what we ask, but because we KNOW that He is God, and He is a good God, whether our lives are currently "good" or not.  The fruit of this is a life of peace, joy, hope, strength.....power.  It's His Life.  Resurrection life.  Is it our life?

Singer and speaker Sheila Walsh, sharing of how she had voluntarily checked into a psych ward to deal with deep depression in her life, wrote in her journal on the first night there, "I never knew You lived so close to the floor."  She didn't expound on all she meant by that,  but what it said to me is that this is where we will always find Him.  We need not seek to work up to Him because He has already come down to us.  He meets us on the floor, in our brokenness, weakness, helplessness, and then raises us up with Him.  Such is the pathway of prayer, faith, and surrender.  I want to walk such a path.  How about you?

Pastor O

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