Monday, May 11, 2015

Heart Tracks - Bookkeeper's

      "Again the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it."  Matthew 13:46....."What, for you, is included in the all?........O God, I don't want to bring a bookkeeper's mind to the life of faith, anxiously adding up columns of what I must give, columns of what I might get.  I give all, and accept all.  Amen."  Eugene Peterson......" I have known some who were interested in the deeper life, but began asking questions: 'What will it cost me?....Will it be safe?.....Will it be convenient?'  We have stopped and pitched our tent halfway between the swamp and the peak.  We are mediocre Christians."  A.W. Tozer
      Peterson and Tozer put forth deeply penetrating questions that pierce our surface allegiance to Christ.  We sing hymns and choruses that proclaim our "all for Jesus," but really, what is included in our "all?"  What invisible boundary lines have we drawn in His presence that tell Him He has access to this place in our lives, but no further.  Where have we adopted a "bookkeeper" mentality when it comes to walking with Him?  Where has our relationship withered into a negotiation, asking what will be our "get" for what we give?  Where have cost, safety, and convenience become the measuring sticks of where we will go with Him?  Where, really, have we pitched our spiritual tent?  Can we see the peak, but still smell the swamp?  When did mediocrity become a very acceptable, even comfortable place of life in Him?  Indeed, can we even say that such a life is "in" Him at all?
     Jesus said that all who would follow Him must count the cost, and we must, but too many have not made this a one time decision, but a moment by moment one.  We've not settled that issue once and for all, but allow it to rise up with every new leading of His Spirit.  Much of the opening of the American west was accomplished by fur trappers, representing large companies, setting out into previously unknown, undiscovered country.  Blazing trails that none of their countrymen had ever before seen.  As they did so, bookkeepers, remained back in the east, keeping track of cost and so on.  All they ever knew of that wondrous country was what they saw in the account ledgers they kept.  Those who went into that country took little thought for that, and so their eyes continued to behold sights too wonderful for words.  In the realm of His Kingdom, which are you and I more likely to be?  Trailblazers or bookkeepers?
     So, what is our "all"when it comes to entering into the fullness of His life.  Are we confined by the four walls of our earthly "office," or, are we venturing out into the unknown with Him, seeing with His eyes, sights to wondrous for words?  Do we embrace the life of a bookkeeper, or a trailblazer?  What does our life witness say?

Pastor O

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