Friday, July 25, 2014

Heart Tracks - Eyes On

    A friend remarked recently at how amazed he was that we could put total trust in an electronic GPS in its ability to guide us to a destination, yet find it so hard to trust in an infinitely wise and loving God to do the same.  I think we need to take some time to dwell upon just how true and real that may be in our lives today.  Throughout the church, much is made of coming together as leaders for monthly, quarterly, or yearly "planning" or "strategy" sessions.  We say that we do so under the guidance and leadership of His Spirit, yet, if we were to chronicle just how much seeking prayer, yielded prayer, preceded these gatherings, indeed, took place in the midst of them, we would have a much clearer and for sure, more honest estimation of them.  The Gospel tells us that before Jesus chose His disciples, He spent an entire night in prayer, seeking the leading of the Father.  Only then, by the Father's direction, did He choose them.  Even when we do pray, so often we have already determined what it is we want, and where it is we wish to go, and the Father is sought mainly as one who can now "bless our plan."  We go to conferences, seminars, hold vision casting meetings, and in short, listen much to what men have to say, yet know so little of what He is saying.
     In 2 Chronicles 20 tells of how the small army of Judah was surrounded by a much larger, stronger army of enemies.  Jehoshaphat the king and his people prepared for battle first by seeking the Father in surrendered brokenness, crying out, "We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us.  We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on You."  I think that most of us, when we get into such a crisis are willing to pray such a prayer, but in most of our day to day lives, I think we're quite sure that we already know what to do, have planned and decided what to do, and it just remains for us to go to Him and seek His blessing on it all, something we're very sure He's already given.  Backed into a corner, we're willing to surrender, for that time, in our daily living, not so much.
     I read somewhere that we in the west have reduced His Word and Life down to something our rational minds can understand.  Though we may have read countless times that "My ways are not your ways," somehow, we think they are.  We end up creating a God that fits our image, and then proceed in all things accordingly.  We don't live with our "eyes on" Him in all things at all times, but more, proceed according to what seems best, right, and rational, giving Him glances from time to time to make sure He's blessing and cheering us on.
     Something I've noticed about my own GPS, is that it is dependent on having constant updates, or else it will be confused when it comes to certain areas where it has no programming.  I end up lost.  This is the eventual destination of all of us who place our trust in anything other than the fullness of His Life and Word.  Jehoshaphat and the people, trusting completely in Him, obeying all of His direction, won a mighty victory that day.  They named the site of that victory, the Valley of Blessing.  Following Him may lead us through many a valley, but trusting Him, yielded in brokenness and surrender, will also make all those valleys places of blessing and victory for us.  What voice do we follow today, that of a limited, fallible, human GPS, or His, the One who will not fail us, or forsake us, but take us home.  All the way home.

Pastor O  

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