Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Heart Tracks - This Jesus

     I came across a moving account by a missionary of the salvation of an unbelieving family in Mozambique.  She and several others had entered the home of an elderly couple and their two teenage grandchildren.  They asked the grandfather if he had ever heard the message of new life.  His reply was, "There is no such thing as new life.  There is only suffering and pain."  Still, he allowed them to share with his family about Jesus, a totally unknown name to them.  In the midst of the sharing, they asked the family how they might come to have the eternal life being spoken of.  Carlos, one of the teens replied, "I'm not sure why, but I think it's through this Jesus."  They shared some more, and when they left the home, all of the family had received Christ.  As they were leaving, Carlos said to them, "I've had this thing in my heart for a long time.  You told me today the answer I was looking for."  
   This story is moving for many reasons, but for me, its the reality that everywhere, not just "outside" the church, but within it as well, are people who have "this thing in their heart."  They are weary, weighed down, living in hopelessness, even despair.  Many have never darkened the door of a church.  Many enter into one week after week.  Within all of them is deep yearning for something more.  Something greater.  Something that is true and real life.  The "medications" and prescriptions of the world have been tried, but always, they fail to bring any lasting satisfaction.  The end feeling is that which the grandfather expressed.  "There is no such thing as new life.  There is only suffering and pain."  This is the experience of multitudes, both without and within the church.  This will remain the case until they are awakened to the truth that the only answer to "this thing in my heart," is "this Jesus."  I wonder, to what degree might you and I stand with Carlos right now?  Is there something in your heart that has been there for a very long time, yet remains unfulfilled and unnamed?  You may not be able to put it into words, but its there.  You may have received Him with your lips, but He's never truly entered into your hearts.  There remains an emptiness.  Things, relationships, even ministry, have never been able to fill the emptiness.  New life is a phrase, not a reality.  Your know in your head that He is "the way, the truth, and the life," but that reality has never found its home in your heart.  The thing in your heart goes on longing.
   Saul of Tarsus knew this feeling.  He was one of those who was present at the murder of Stephen, giving his full approval.  Yet, something in the manner of how Stephen met his death awakened in Saul an awareness that his religion, his zeal, his ministry, did not satisfy that "thing in his heart."  On the Damascus Road, he met the One who did.  When confronted with Christ, He asked, "Who are You Lord," and was answered simply, "I am Jesus."  He would now know, and would spend the rest of His life proclaiming to all he came upon that "something" in their heart's, the answer they sought, the deliverance, the salvation, was, is, Jesus.  Only through Jesus could they lay hold of all their hearts were seeking.  Have you heard that message yet?  If you have heart it, have you received it?  Not just given agreement to it, but received, and entered into it?  Have you known the name, but not the Person?  Is the something still crying out within you?  Has what's been missing, still missing?  Has this Jesus, this transforming, life giving Jesus, really entered your heart and life, or have you, like the lyrics of the U2 song, "still not found what you're looking for?"  Who are You, Lord?  I am Jesus!
Pastor O

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