Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Heart Tracks - The Mansion Builder

     "I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself."  John 14:2-3  I don't know anyone who doesn't love, or at least like that scripture.  We like the image of the Lord constructing for us an eternal dwelling place, a mansion if you will, that will be ready for us when we leave this realm.  In fact, when that time comes, He'll come for us, just as He promised, to in essence, carry us over the threshold into that mansion.  It's a beautiful picture, but I think in our humanness, our flesh, we've misconstrued what Christ is saying. 
     I think many of us, maybe most, think of this scripture in terms of Christ being there, in heaven, working on our mansion, while we, on earth, go about our (mostly self-absorbed) lives.  He's the "contractor" that we've entrusted with the building, blueprints and all, and we'll look forward to the day when we can take up full-time residence there.  Well, maybe "look forward to," is a little strong.  That would imply that we realize that this life, this "residence" is passing, transient, and unable to bring any lasting satisfaction.  Truth to tell, I think a number of us are quite comfortable where we're at right now.  The mansion is a great concept, but we've gotten pretty acclimated to the hovels we've built with our own hands here.  What's the rush in leaving?
     Here's the thing.  I don't think the Lord was talking so much about building a future "home" for us as He is a present one.  He's not off somewhere constructing our "dreamhouse."  He's doing it right now, or seeking to, in us.  As I heard someone put it, "He's doing a renovation project in us, except that we don't get to move out while it's taking place."  Renovation projects are messy.  A lot of "trash" is accumulated in the process.  Trash that has to be removed, thrown out, so that the renovation can go on, and eventually, be complete.  A lot that is ugly, useless, even dangerous, is exposed, and all of it has to go.  The Lord doesn't hire a "crew" to do that, He enlists us to work with Him, as He removes it from the, our, premises.  This renovation project will gut our entire home, our life.  When all has been cleared out, He'll then be free to rebuild it after His blueprint, which is His image.  That can't happen until He's "re-wired" the home so that it can have proper light.  His light, and that light reaches every room, every inch of that home.  When the renovation has progressed to His satisfaction, its then that He can "receive us to Himself."  Our hovel has been transformed into His mansion by the work of His Holy Spirit. 
    So, how's work on your "mansion" going?  Have you "hired" Jesus to get it built, make it ready, while you go on living here, and quite at home "here" all the while?  Or, have you allowed Him to move in, on site, and set to work with a passion to renovate a home that has serious, even deadly foundational problems?  Has He been able to make all ready for Himself, or, is our property one that's ready to be leveled, except we don't know it?  Where are we more at home,, in His mansion, or our hovel?

Pastor O

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