The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. I Corinthians 1:18......"Be holy. Be one. Be light....Whenever light stands next to darkness, light will always win." Samuel Rodriquez
In response to the above Scripture, I Corinthians 1:18, I have written in my prayer journal, "Who's louder? The truth of the cross, or the lies of the enemy?" It's a question that everyone will have to come to grips with, to answer, if we are ever to know what it is to live a victorious life in Christ. At the cross, and beyond in His resurrection, the Father stated His ultimate Truth in His Son, Jesus Christ. Darkness and Death have been defeated, completely. This is Truth. That Truth will be under constant attack from the devil every moment of every day in our lives. God has made His statement of Truth and Life. Against that, the enemy, using every means and circumstance possible, will speak his lies. Who speaks louder in your life?
His Truth is not hard to believe when we walk in the sunshine. That's not the place of the devil's lie. He waits to speak to us while we travel through "the valley of the shadow of death." His lies come to us in the place of seeming hopelessness and despair. The place of pain that seems to have no end. In what seems like defeat, setback, or unmoving obstacles. It's in those places that His Voice of Truth and our trust in it is tested severely. In these places, whose voice is louder? The Father's, or the enemy's?
A lady named Ann Voskamp said, "Freedom can be found not only beyond grief and pain, but in it." Joseph and Paul found freedom in a prison cell. John found freedom in a cave on a prison island. Fanny Crosby found freedom in her blindness. These are just some of the names we know. The unknown names who have experienced the same stretch on into eternity. Are you and I to be found among them?
The Voice of Truth has spoken. Has the echo of His voice pierced your innermost being? Or, has the voice of the Deceiver somehow muffled that voice in your life? One or the other speaks loudest. Who speaks loudest to you?
Pastor O
Pastor O